YOUTUBE Anti Taurin ?

Une Nouvelle inquiétante fait le tour du Mundillo.  Youtube aurait fermé un compte dédié à des vidéos tauromachiques.  Il s'agit du compte  @PabloLopezRiobo    sur lequel on voit que les videos on été désactivées.

Le journal El Mundo s'est emparé de l'info ici et a même lancé un vote pour connaître l'avis de ses lecteurs sur le sujet , auquel vous pouvez participer ici.

D'autres liens tauromachiques sur youtube restent disponibles.  La portée de la décision reste donc incertaine.  Mais dans le doute et surtout dans l'urgence compte tenu des conséquences qu'une telle décision pourrait avoir si elle était généralisée Toreoyarte a écrit à la seule adresse que nous avons trouvée rapidement pour communiquer notre désapprobation.

Nous avons envoyé le texte suivant à :

To whom it may concern :

It has come to our attention that your company has de-activated a Video account related with Bullfighting @PabloLopezRiobo .

Newspaper EL MUNDO of Spain has relayed the information.  Should this decision be, on the part of Youtube, the beginning of a general policy of censure towards Bullfighting, we want to tell how great a mistake this would be. 

Bullfighting is a tradition and a passion shared by millions of people around the world, over two continents.  These Aficionados admire the specificities of a unique animal on the face of the earth, the "Toro Bravo".  Among the Aficionados are all kind of individuals, from every level of society, including, artists, intellectuals, philosophers, successful businessmen, politicians, scientists, good law abiding citizens, and more. 

Countries like France and soon Spain are legally protecting Bullfighting as part of their Immaterial Cultural Heritage.  The reason it has been necessary to implement such protection is that some extremist organizations like PETA, which are on terrorist lists even in the US, have taken Bullfighting as a target, trying to bully media around,  to influence their decision into vetoing Bullfighting, taking advantage of their lack of knowledge about the subject.  

Should you pursue in such a direction your attitude could be assimilated to an act of racism toward a large number of good law abiding citizens around the world.  Such an attitude could be assimilated to discriminating against and ostracizing gays, blacks, jews, arabs, women, or any minority based on erroneous beliefs.

Before you go any further in your decision to block Bullfighting videos from your website, we urge you to learn more about the subject and the people within the field.  We urge you as well to try to learn more about the Bull "TORO BRAVO" an extraordinary animal which unites with mankind in an extraordinary ritual called CORRIDA, ritual of life and death which any individual has the choice to like or not.

 We sincerely hope you will take the time to think about the importance of not rushing into any decision related to this matter.  Bullfighting is a very large part of the life of a great deal of people around the world.  It is important to them and should gain your respect based on intelligent arguments that are readily available to you should you take the time to grasp them.

 We thank you for your time and urge you to make an intelligent decision.


René Philippe Arneodau


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